Introduction to A/B Testing


Making changes to your sales strategy needs to happen methodically and carefully. But it can be challenging to measure the effectiveness of one change over another if you don’t have a way to compare options. A/B Testing is an important step in refining strategy because it takes the guesswork out of changes.

What is A/B Testing?

A/B Testing is comparing the effectiveness of two or more processes or features. Records must be randomly assigned to the two different elements being compared. Then whichever element is most successful can be assumed to be the most effective. Using this method, you can test almost anything in your Sales Cadence.

Playbooks Governance

You might already have a Play Committee assembled to discuss how Plays can be improved, gather feedback, and develop strategies. Work with your Play Committee (aka Center of Excellence) to discuss and hypothesize what A/B tests can be employed to get definitive results. Then share  the data from A/B Test to close the loop in sales motion refinement.

Related Article: Center of Excellence
Review this article to see how to create your own Play Committee. If you don’t have the resources to create a full committee, include the Playbooks Admin and representatives from Sales Operations, Marketing, and Analytics teams.
Related Course: Play Maker Course
Click this link to learn to make Plays, Play Strategy, and learn how to use Robot automation to assist with the Play process.

A/B Testing Ideas

Before you start making changes, take some time to think about your overall process and where the problem areas are. You may already have some things in mind, but here are some ideas to help you start thinking about how A/B testing can be employed in your current strategy.

Play Steps

  • Does an email or a phone call work better as an introduction to a new customer?
  • Is there a better/best time to send swag?
  • Do customers lose interest and stop responding to emails after multiple emails in a row?


  • Does a personalized video result in more responses?
  • Is a formal overview of the company better than a casual introduction?
  • Is a longer or shorter subject line better?
  • What is the best way to send an email: SmartSend, manual schedule, or Send Now (A/B/C Test)?

Cue Cards / Talk Track

  • Which call to action has better results?
  • Does a detailed Cue Card help reps stick with the messaging vs. general bullet points?
  • Should the script be longer or shorter?
  • Does Pre-Recorded VM A get more returned calls that B?